Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Secretary of State Trey Grayson is in Trouble

People around Whitley County says Grayson's goose is cooked. According to local leaders Ernie Fletcher and Trey Grayson were traveling the GOP hwy 25E through Laurel, Whitley and Knox this past weekend. London Chicken Festival madness I guess.

People around here are talking about Grayson's opposition to the straight party vote. I suspect he will remove the straight vote button if reelected. I will not vote for Trey Grayson, I will vote for Bruce Hendrickson. I intend to keep my straight ticket voting option and why is Grayson saying I am lazy if I use this option.

I intend to support Steve Beshear, Dan Mongiardo and S.Bruce Hendrickson.

I read a story today in the Kentucky Kernel, the person who wrote the article likes to booze it up a little. I can't fault a man wanting a cold beer but these kids are killing themselves.
